Watson Discovery at the Size You Want

I just worked with a customer this week on an issue that they had – and the solution didn’t seem obvious, so I figured that I would share it with a larger audience.

The Issue

My customer has a couple of Watson Discovery instances in the IBM Cloud environment. These instances are supporting a cognitive application that they have acting in an expert assistant role – providing quick access to guidance and information to their associates. One instance is a Discovery instance which is supporting the production environment, the other is supporting their development and test environment. Both instances are Small sized.

They realize that they would like to save some money by using a smaller size instance for their development and test environment, where they think they only need an X-Small sized instance. They asked me for some guidance on how to do this.

The Background

This is not as simple a request as it might seem at first. The issue is that once you move into the Advanced sized instances (instead fo the free Lite instances), your Discovery instances begin to cost you money. They also can be upgraded from one size to a larger size, but they cannot be shrunk. Why? We can always expand and allocate additional resource to an instance, but we cannot guarantee that there will be no loss of data when shrinking instances. So we don’t shrink them.

It’s probably best to start by looking at the various sizes and plans. Looking at the Discovery page on the Cloud dashboard gives you some idea of the costs and charges, but it is not easy to read. Instead, I find that the help pages on upgrading Discovery, and Discovery pricing, are much more helpful. The table on each of these pages are informative and when they are combined, they give you the basics of what you need to know (this is accurate at the time of publishing – November 2019).


One other IMPORTANT difference between the plans is this: Each plan gives you a single environment that supports up to 100 collections and free NLU enrichments. The only exception is the X-Small plan, which will only support 4 collections. Also, note that you may also pay additional for news queries and custom models.

What Needs To Be Done

In order to “downsize” one of their Discovery instances from Small to X-Small, the customer will need to migrate the data themselves. What makes this difficult is that they will only have 4 collections available to them in the X-Small instance, instead of the 100 that were available in their Small instance. So they need to take these steps:

  • Create a new Discovery instance, with a size of X-Small.
  • Select the 4 (or fewer) collections that will be used in the new X-Small instance.
  • Re-ingest documents into the 4 new collections.
  • Delete the old development and test Discovery instance.

Creating a Discovery Instance of a Certain Size

The issue that my customer ran into was this: How do I create a Discovery instance of a certain size? When I look at the Discovery page on the Cloud dashboard , all I see is that I can select the Advanced plan – but no option on what size to use. So how do you do it?

It’s simple, and it’s outlined in the help docs in the section on upgrading Discovery. You first need to go in and create a new instance of the Discovery service with the Advanced plan. After you do this, the service will take some time to provision. You’ll need to wait patiently while this is done – it’s usually less than 2 minutes.

Now open your Discovery instance, by clicking on the link, and then choosing the “Launch Watson Discovery” button on the Manage page. You will now see the Discovery instance come up, and you will click on the small icon in the upper right corner of the browser to bring up a dialog that will allow you to “Create Environment”.

Hit the small icon in the upper left, and then the “Create Environment” button…

Then you will be able to select the SIZE of the Discovery instance that you want. You will see a dialog that looks similar to what is shown below:

For our X-Small option, we’ll need to click on “Development”…

See that you can choose from three different menus: Development (which shows the X-Small option), Small/Medium (which shows the Small through Medium-Large options), and Large (which shows Large through XXX-Large). Choose the size that you want, and then hit the “Set Up” button. This will create your Discovery environment, in the size that you want.

What If I Want To Increase the Size of my Discovery Instance?

In the above case, we had to do some specific actions to get a new instance created in a size that we wanted. We also learned that if we wanted to SHRINK in size, we needed to create a new instance and migrate data to the new instance.

What if I have been using Discovery for a while now, and I want to INCREASE in size? How do I do that? it’s actually pretty simple, and it’s also documented in the online help, in the section on upgrading Discovery. it just provides a link to the API, but not a lot of additional explanation. I’ll give you a bit more, so it’s a bit more clear.

If you look at the Discovery API reference, you’ll see a section on Update an Environment. This is the API call that you can use to upgrade your environment (and thus, the size of your Discovery instance). The API call is spelled out in this doc, and you can get examples for whatever language or way that you want to generate this API call by just selecting a type for the example in the black window on the right. In the example below, I chose to look at this in Python.

I wanted to see the API call example in Python, but most people will just use Curl…

Just make sure to use the “size” parameter in your API call, and make sure that you use the right code for the size that you want (the label from the table earlier in this post). That’s all there is to it.

Authentication for your App on the IBM Cloud

Note: I updated this article on March 3, 2021 to update the links in the article. One of my peers, Dan Anders, had passed this article along to a customer and informed me that all of the links in this article were broken. Thank you for the feedback Dan!

I like to answer customer questions on the IBM Cloud, and about using Watson services on the IBM Cloud. Sometimes I know the answer… sometimes I have to go and find the answer… and sometimes I create the answer. As I encounter interesting questions, I like to share my solutions and answers on this blog – so that way I am able to help other people who may be encountering the same issues.

Recently I have been seeing a lot of questions about how authentication on the IBM Cloud works, and what the “best practices” around authentication are. It’s a large topic, and I cannot cover it completely in this blog post, but hopefully, I can cover it to a depth that will help you make decisions about how you want to structure your IBM Cloud/Watson application.

Getting Into The IBM Cloud

You get into the IBM Cloud using your own username/password to authenticate. You might even use two-factor authentication to get in. The access to all of the services and accounts on the IBM Cloud is controlled by the IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. This service validates your identity and then assigns your access and permissions based on that identity.

When an application attempts to access resources on the IBM Cloud, it too needs to have it’s identity validated. Most IBM Cloud users will create either a service account (with its own login, password, and credentials) or will create some specific service credentials for every cloud service.

So the first step is to have your application authenticate itself, with some sort of credentials. To do this you will make your API call to the API endpoint that you are attempting to access. This call will go through the IBM firewall, which takes care of traffic routing, ingress, load balancing, and some other “big picture” types of things. Your request is then routed to the authentication service. This service will attempt to authenticate your request.

Basic Watson Service Request Flow

It is at this point that things get interesting for an application developer. You must choose from one of two paths:

  1. You can give the authentication mechanism an API Key. The authentication service will then validate the API Key. It does this by calling the IAM Identity service. Once you have been authenticated, your request is passed along to the appropriate Watson service instance.
  2. You can give the authentication mechanism an API Token. To get this API Token, you will first need to call the IAM Identity service, give it your API Key, and ask for an API Token. You can then make your call and give the authentication mechanism this API Token.

So why would you want to take approach #2? You want to take approach #2 as much as possible because when you authenticate via an API Token, you do not make an additional call to the IAM service when authenticating. These API Tokens are good for between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your service.

If all of this seems a bit confusing, and you would like to see some more detail about this whole process, check out the step-by-step documentation on Invoking IBM Cloud Services APIs.

How Much Do I Save?

Let’s look at a simple example. If your application will make 1000 calls to the Watson service in a typical hour of usage. If you just use the API Key approach, you will make 1000 additional calls to the IAM service. Each call will the API Key will require the authentication service to make a request to the IAM service.

If you decide to use the API Token method, you will make an extra call to the IAM service to get your token, and then you will make your initial service call. This is 1 additional call to the IBM Cloud. So in a typical hour, this will save you 999 service calls within the IBM Cloud.

The savings here for a single call to a service may be difficult to measure and probably would go unnoticed by an end-user. But during periods of high traffic and high load, this reduction in traffic and load will make your application much more robust, responsive and resilient.

Why even bother with the API Key approach? It is useful for testing scenarios and for times when you just want to issue curl calls by hand, directly to the API. In these cases, it is much nicer to just do the call once, rather than having to get a token and then use the resulting token (which can be large).

How Do I Do It?

Set up a small section of code to request your API Token, and then save that token and insert it into every API call made to services on the IBM Cloud. You’ll then need to decide on how you want to handle renewing your token, since every token is only good for 30 to 60 minutes (depending on the service).

You can either set a timer and wake up to renew your token before the previous token expires. The other option is to just handle authentication errors in your application by refreshing your token and trying to execute your request again with the new token.

Another useless IBM Cloud Billing Script …. or not

Recently I have have had a customer ask me some questions about billing on the IBM Cloud. Specifically, they wanted to be able to download their billing information. Now I know that you can do this interactively from the IBM Cloud. You just go to your usage page and hit the little Export CSV button in the upper right-hand corner. This will dump out a CSV file of your current months usage for you.

“That’s nice…..but we want to be able to break down usage and get it into a spreadsheet”, was the response from my customer. “But CSV format IS a spreadsheet”, I thought to myself. So I decided to ask some more questions. It turns out that my customer is interested in AUTOMATING the administration of their IBM Cloud. This means that they want to dump not just one month’s worth of data, but a full 12 months of data into statements that will outline internal chargebacks (based on resource groups), as well as showing visual graphs that summarize usage and spending over the past 12 months.

Now I understood why the “button in the upper right” wasn’t going to work. They wanted some sort of script that would run automatically, to generate all of this content for their IBM Cloud user community. I had wanted to do some work with the Billing and Usage API and Resource Manager API on IBM Cloud, so I decided to script something up for them.

This project also led me to using the Resource Controller API – which is slightly different from the Resource Manager API. The Resource Controller API focuses on the various different service instances (resources) that have been created within an account. The Resource Manager API deals more with the resource groups defined within the account.

Note: If you’re reading this post and serious about doing this sort of automation for your IBM Cloud, PLEASE check out the API links above. It is possible to use different API calls to do more targeted operations – instead of the very broad implementation that I have done.

As usual, I decided to work within Watson Studio, and I decided to write my script in Python. Watson Studio includes some environments that have pre-defined collections of packages – including ones you will depend on like pandas, numpy, and IBM_Watson. It also allows me to run my script up on the IBM Cloud (not on my local machine), version my script, and dump my results to IBM Cloud’s Cloud Object Storage. My goal was to show this customer how to do a dump of just the services with usage (and not EVERY service, since there are many services out there which are on Lite plans). I also wanted to highlight how to get to some of the information available via the Resource Controller API.

I quickly learned that in order to get ALL of the information that I needed, I would need to cross-reference some of the data coming back from these various IBM Cloud API’s. That meant using all of the IBM Cloud API’s mentioned above.

So now I have this Python code all sitting in my new GitHub repository called IBMCloudBillingScript. This script only really does a lot of the same things that the “Export CSV” button does – so this makes this script kind of useless. The reason I built it, and have shared it on GitHub, is because we often want to AUTOMATE things based on this information. This script shows you how to get (and manipulate) this kind of information about your IBM Cloud account.